Ulyanov Sergey Victorovich
Professor Sergey Victorovich Ulyanov was born in Russia, December 15, 1946, and in 1971 graduated from Moscow Technical University on the specialty “Electro- Mechanical Engineering and Automation Control Systems”. In 1974, he got PhD from the Central Institute of Building Construction (Moscow) on the specialty “Dynamic of Building Construction on Earthquake Excitations”. In 1992, he got State Dr. of Physics and Mathematics Sciences from the Institute of Physical-Technical Problems (Moscow) on the specialty “Quantum and Relativistic Dynamic Control Systems”.
His scientific interests are in AI control systems with timedependent random (variable) structures for complex mechanical systems, intelligent toolkit for robotics, fuzzy wise control, SW/HW of fuzzy controllers, intelligent mechantronics, bio-medical engineering, quantum and relativistic control systems, soft computing , quantum algorithms and quantum soft computing.
Academic Activities He published more than 35 books and 200 papers in periodical journals and proceedings of conferences in different scientific domains. As selection, examples of the books are “Introduction in Relativistic Theory and its Applications to New Technology” (Moscow, 1979); “Problems for Quantum and Relativistic Dynamic Control Systems” (Moscow, 1982); “Statistical Dynamics of Machine Building Constructions” (Moscow, 1977); “Statistical Analysis of Building Construction on Earthquake Excitations” (Moscow, 1977); “Theory of models in Control Systems” (Moscow,1978), “Fuzzy controllers and Intelligent Control Systems “(Moscow,1990,1991 and 1992). “Quantum Information and Quantum Computational Intelligence: Backgrounds and Applied Toolkit of Information Design Technologies,” (Vol. 79 – 86, Italy, 2005).
From 1974 he gave lectures in Moscow University of Electronics, Automatic and Radiotechnique as a Professor; from 1994 – 1997 is professor of University of Electro- Communications (Tokyo, Japan); from 1998 – 2003 as professor of Milan University (Italy).
He is the member of Editorial board in many International Journals as “Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications,” “Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,” “Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence,” “Biomedical Engineering,” and etc.; chainman of many sections in International conferences; scientific coordinator of International projects between USA, Italy, Japan and Russia. He is inventor of more than 25 patents (robust intelligent control and quantum soft computing) published in USA, EU, Japan and China.
Industry Activities He developed a practical model of the wall climbing robot for the decontamination of Chernobyl nuclear-power plant, for cleaning, painting, fire-fighting operations, etc.; fuzzy controller for mobile robots and manipulators in the Institute for Problems in Mechanics (Russian Academy of Sciences) and in the University of Electro- Communications (Tokyo, Japan). In the earthquake engineering he developed a new designing technology of building with variable structures. In mechatronics he contributed to the development of a new electro-pneumatic proportional regulator on VLSI for intelligent controllers of the wall climbing robot and suspension of automobile. In biomedical engineering he invented a new apparatus for artificial lung ventilation on the basis of this electro-pneumatic regulator and got patens for it. Together with ST Microelectronics Company (Italy-French) he was developing new software and hardware of interfaces for fuzzy processor and fuzzy controller. The applications of this fuzzy controller are expected to intelligent mobile robot for service use which is developed in the Prof.Yamafuji Laboratory, the University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo, Japan), and apparatus for artificial lung ventilation in the Biomedical Research Institute in Russia. In Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd he was developing toolkit for applications of quantum computing in robust intelligent control system design.
Prof. S.V. Ulyanov was collaborating in AI fuzzy control system and intelligent mechatronics for mobile robots and a robotic unicycle in the Yamafuji & Ulyanov Lab., Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems of the University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo, Japan); and intelligent robust control of car suspension system and robotic motorcycle in Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Wikipedia

Litvintseva Liudmila Vasilievna
graduated from Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Department of Control and Applied Mathematics on the specialty “Automatic control system” (in 1973). In 1977 received Ph.D. from Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The Ph.D. thesis titled: “Methods of development and realization of problem- oriented dialog systems, based on natural language”.
During 1976-1988 I was working in Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences in Artificial Intelligence laboratory. From 1988 to 1997 was engaged in research at Artificial Intelligence Research Center of Program System Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Pereslavl-Zalessky).
During 1997-1998 is Associate Professor of University of Electro-Communications, department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, Tokyo, Japan.
From 1999 to 2005 is a Professor of Milan University, department of information located in Crema, Italy. During this period I gave lectures on Artificial intelligence and Soft Computing.
In 2005-2007 was engaged in research in the area of intelligent control system design technology at Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Japan.
I am the author of many scientific papers (more 100) and books (more 15). In 1986 I received an award from Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence for the book about Artificial Intelligence written for children.
Main research interest is connected with artificial intelligence, intelligent control systems design based on soft and quantum computing.

Alexander Pavlovich Ryjov
Dr. Alexander Ryjov has 10 years of business experience combined with 25 years of advanced research and teaching experience as a professor at Moscow State University, Mathematics Department.
Alexander has Ph.D. Degrees in Mathematics and Engineering from Moscow State University. He holds Executive MBA from International Executive Development Center – Bled School of Management.
Since 1983 Alexander has worked mostly on theory and applications of intelligent technologies such as fuzzy systems and soft computing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, monitoring technology. His areas of research are human-computer information and intelligent systems, fuzzy set theory. The theory is applied to information processing, measure of uncertainty, models of information retrieval in fuzzy environment, information monitoring and evaluation of complex business-, economical-, socio-political problems and processes. He has 60 scientific publications including 3 books and chapters in 8 books.
Alexander has extensive experience in project management at national and international levels. Among such projects are: Joint Research and Educational Center “Intelligent Systems and Fuzzy Technologies” within Federal Program “Integration”; DISNA — Development of an Intelligent System for Monitoring and Evaluation of Peaceful Nuclear Activities for International Atomic Energy Agency. Alexander is an Invited Professor at the Banking Institute of the Association of Russian Banks and the Information Technologies Business School of the Russian Government Academy of National Economy. He is an expert of the Russian Government Research and Consulting Center of Expertise, the National Information and Analytical Center (NIAC), and the ISTOK-RU program. ISTOK-RU initiative has been proposed by European and Russian partners and supported by the European Commission to identify priorities for deeper strategic Information and Communication Technologies cooperation between Russia and the European Union.
Currently, in a partnership with BG Partners venture capital group and Cypress Semiconductors Corporation, Dr. Ryjov is leading rapidly growing strategic Russia-CIS universities and business alliances program. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation is a leading supplier of programmable system solutions. BG Partners is recognized as one of the top venture capital groups focusing on ex-USSR. Both Cypress Semiconductors and BG Partners are headquartered in Silicon Valley, California. Previously, in 2001 Alexander assumed position of head of department of advanced research and educational programs of Mirantis, Inc. His responsibilities included projects management for leading international high-tech companies. For example, he created a world-class R&D team for Cadence Design Systems, Inc., a leading global supplier of software solutions for semiconductor industry. Later, after Cadence bought the business, Alexander got the position of Deputy General Manager of Cadence Russia.
Dr. Ryjov is active in the local community and scientifically world-wide. He is member of advisory boards of Russian and international professional and scientific organizations; member of editorial boards of national and international scientific journals; member of organizing and program committees of a series of national and international conferences. He is a founding member of the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence; founding member and vice-president of the Russian Association of Fuzzy Systems. Alexander is being consulted by and has close relationships with leading international companies operating in Russia such as Intel, ST Microelectronics, KLA-Tencor, leading Russian universities and research centers.

Alexander Nikolaevich Raikov
Prof. Alexander Raikov was born in Russia, February 10, 1951, and in 1974 graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute on the specialty “Radio-Physicist and Electronics”. In 1993, he got State Dr. of Technical Sciences and got the professor degree from the Russia Academy of Public Service of the Russian President on the specialty “Information technology”, has 10 years of business experience combined with 25 years of advanced research and teaching experience.
President of the Nonprofit partnership on scientific research and social development «Analytical Agency «New strategies», Professor of the Russia Academy of Public Service of the Russian President, Professor of the State University — Higher School of Economics, Professor of Artificial Intelligence department of Moscow Institute of Radio-Electronics and Automation, coworker of Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Science, Chief of strategic planning department of the Town management university of Moscow Government, the full member of the International Information Academy, the full member of the International Academy for Information Process and Technologies, the full member of the Russian Division of the International League of Strategic Management, assessment and accounting, the member of Editorial Board of the «President’s Control», «Electron region», «Informational Society», «Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (Japan)», in 1992 -1999 — Chief of The Analytical-technology Department of Russian President Administration.
His scientific and business interests are in AI control systems for decision support systems in social and human organization, Strategic management. He published more than 4 books and 190 papers in periodical journals and proceedings of conferences in different scientific domains.
Prof. Alexander Raikov uses his AI control systems knowledge in the following fields: the process of self-organization and trust space creating in Internet; bureaucracy reduction; project methods implementation; confidence increase between manager and his team; leadership atmosphere; implementing principles of permanent self-education; reduction accidental losses in financial control; transparency improvement; group decision making; organization of “seeking of the future” conferences; speeding-up the strategic conversation (meeting).

Sorokin Sergey Vladimirovich
Sergey Sorokin graduated from Tver State University, department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, with magister of mathematics degree.
Several years later he got Ph.D. Degree in Engineering from Tver State University.
Now Sergey Sorokin is working on software development for Intelligent Quantum & Soft Computing R&D Group and assistant professor at Tver State University, department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics.

Ulyanov Sergey Sergeevich
Ph.D.Sergey Ulyanov graduated from Russian Government Institute of Intellectual property, department of economics and commercialization of Intellectual property. RGIIP
During 2000 — to now I am working in MCG “Quantum” Ltd. (Moscow) as legal counsel.
My main research interest is connected with investigation of processes of Intellectual property commercialization in information design technology. more>>